Nightmares 2nd night by Soseki Natsume
2nd night
こんな夢を見た。 和尚(おしょう)の室を退(さ)がって、廊下(ろうか)伝(づた)いに自分の部屋へ帰ると行灯(あんどう)がぼんやり点(とも)っている。片膝(かたひざ)を座蒲団(ざぶとん)の上に突いて、灯心を掻(か)き立てたとき、花のような丁子(ちょうじ)がぱたりと朱塗の台に落ちた。同時に部屋がぱっと明かるくなった。
I dreamed.When I left the priest's room and went to my room through the corridor, a lamp was burning dimly. I went down on my knee on the cushion and stirred up the wick. At that time, a clove dropped on the stand painted in red vermillion and it became lighter in the room.
The drawing on the papered sliding door is by Buson. In the drawing, willows were drawn in different shades in far and near and a fisherman who looks cold and are benting his bamboo hat was walking on a bank.
A scroll with a drawing is hung in an alcove. The air in dark rooms is still fragrant with a burned stick of incense. This is a big temple and it is deadly silent and deserted. A round shadow of a lamp with a paper shade which is attached on the black celling looked a living thing soon after I turn over on my back.
I keep sitting with my knee drawn up and turn over a square floor cushion. I inserted my right hand under the cushion and I can find it there. I am relieved and I put down the cushion again and sit on it.
The priest said "if you are a samurai you ought to spiritually be awaken. But I suppose you are not a samurai because it doesn't seemed that you have gotten spiritually awaken. You are just a dreg. Oh, you get angry". He grinned at me and said " If you are mortified at me, bring me the evidence that you can spiritually be awaken." and he turned his face to another. How rude he was.
I will be spiritually awaken by the time when the clock which is on the floor of the hall in the next room strikes the coming hour. And I will enter his room to change my awakening and his life. If I cannot be awaken, I won't be able to kill him. I by all means must be spiritually awaken. I am a samurai.
もし悟れなければ自刃(じじん)する。侍が辱(はずか)しめられて、生きている訳には行かない。綺麗(きれい)に死んでしまう。 こう考えた時、自分の手はまた思わず布団(ふとん)の下へ這入(はい)った。そうして朱鞘(しゅざや)の短刀を引(ひ)き摺(ず)り出した。
If I cannot be awaken, I will kill myself. I cannot continue to live if I am humiliated. I think like that and insert my hand under the cushion. I pull a dagger out.
I grasp the haft and draw my sword. A chilly blade gleams in the dark room. I feel that my soul is leaving to the blade and it concentrates on the point of the sword.
I see the sword, which was sadly shorten into about 30 cm sharp daggar, and I want to stab with this. My blood flows to my right wrist from other parts of my body and the haft of the sword is sticky. My lips trembles.
I sheathe the sword and put it on my right side. And I sit cross-legged. Josyu said "Nothingness". What is "Nothingness"? I gnash my teeth in chagrin against the priest. 奥歯を強く咬(か)み締(し)めたので、鼻から熱い息が荒く出る。こめかみが釣って痛い。眼は普通の倍も大きく開けてやった。
I bite my back teeth so strongly that warm breath flows from my nose. The temple hurts me. I dare open my eyes twice as large as usual.
I can see a hanging scroll. I can see a lamp with a paper shade. I can see tatami mats. I can clearly see the priest's skin head. I can even hear his mock. How rude he is. I must kill him. I mumbled " Nothingness, Nothingness". But a stick of incense smells,though it is only an incense.
I abruptly clench my fist and hit my head. And I bit my back teeth. I sweat on my sides. My back becomes stiff. My knee joints hurts me. I think I don't mind breaking my knee joints. But it hurts me. I have a pain.
"Nothingness" doesn't readily appear. Soon after I feel "Nothingness", I have a pain. I feel angry. It is really regrettable. I cry in vexation. I want to knock my body against large stone and to break my body into pieces.
But I put up with it and keep sitting. I endure something sad and painful. The sad and painful thing is impatiently trying to lift the muscle inside my body and spout out. But it is cruel that all around is blocked and that there's no way out.
そのうちに頭が変になった。行灯(あんどう)も蕪村(ぶそん)の画(え)も、畳も、違棚(ちがいだな)も有って無いような、無くって有るように見えた。と云って無(む)はちっとも現前(げんぜん)しない。ただ好加減(いいかげん)に坐っていたようである。ところへ忽然(こつぜん)隣座敷の時計がチーンと鳴り始めた。 はっと思った。右の手をすぐ短刀にかけた。時計が二つ目をチーンと打った。
By and by I feel strange. I feel I can and also cannot see a lamp,Buson's drawing,tatami mats and a shelf. But the "Nothingness" doesn't appear to me. I think I have just kept sitting halfheartedly. At the time the clock in the next room rings. I am startled momentarily. I place my right hand on the hilt of my sword. The clock sounds another ring.
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