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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Nightmares 1st night by Soseki Natsume

10 Nightmares by Natsume Soseki

1st night 

こんな夢を見た。 腕組をして枕元に坐(すわ)っていると、仰向(あおむき)に寝た女が、静かな声でもう死にますと云う。女は長い髪を枕に敷いて、輪郭(りんかく)の柔(やわ)らかな瓜実(うりざね)顔(がお)をその中に横たえている。真白な頬の底に温かい血の色がほどよく差して、唇(くちびる)の色は無論赤い。とうてい死にそうには見えない。しかし女は静かな声で、もう死にますと判然(はっきり)云った。自分も確(たしか)にこれは死ぬなと思った。そこで、そうかね、もう死ぬのかね、と上から覗(のぞ)き込むようにして聞いて見た。死にますとも、と云いながら、女はぱっちりと眼を開(あ)けた。大きな潤(うるおい)のある眼で、長い睫(まつげ)に包まれた中は、ただ一面に真黒であった。その真黒な眸(ひとみ)の奥に、自分の姿が鮮(あざやか)に浮かんでいる。

I dreamed.I sit at her bedside. Lying on her back,she quietly says she is about to die. She lies with her long hair under her pillow,her face being in it. Her cheek looks warm red and her lips also looks red. She doesn't look to be about die. But she quietly but clearly says she is going to die soon. That makes me think that she is about to die. So I look into her face and ask her if she is about to die. She says she is about to die, but she opens her eyes widely. Her eyes are black and moist,their center surrounded by long lids being deep black. I can clearly see my figure in her black eyes.  

自分は透(す)き徹(とお)るほど深く見えるこの黒眼の色沢(つや)を眺めて、これでも死ぬのかと思った。それで、ねんごろに枕の傍(そば)へ口を付けて、死ぬんじゃなかろうね、大丈夫だろうね、とまた聞き返した。すると女は黒い眼を眠そうに(みはっ)たまま、やっぱり静かな声で、でも、死ぬんですもの、仕方がないわと云った。 じゃ、私(わたし)の顔が見えるかいと一心(いっしん)に聞くと、見えるかいって、そら、そこに、写ってるじゃありませんかと、にこりと笑って見せた。自分は黙って、顔を枕から離した。腕組をしながら、どうしても死ぬのかなと思った。

I stare at her deep black eyes, which looks transparent, and I wonder if she really is going to die. So I move my face to her and ask her again if she is all right and if she is really going to die. With her black eyes keeping open,she answered that she is really going to die and that there is nothing we can. "Can you see me?" I wholeheartedly ask her. She smiles at me, saying " Can I see you? Say,I can see me in your eyes". I silently leave myface from her and wonder if she is really going to die,with my arms folded. 


Shortly, she says "When I die, please bury me,using perl shell to dig a deep holse. And put a fragment of a star, which will fall down from the sky, as my grave stone. And would you please wait for me by the side of it. I will come to meet you again." 


I ask her when she will come to meet me. "Sun rises and Sun sets. And Sun rises again and sets again. Sun moves from east to west repeatedly. Can you wait for me?" 

自分は黙って首肯(うなず)いた。女は静かな調子を一段張り上げて、「百年待っていて下さい」と思い切った声で云った。「百年、私の墓の傍(そば)に坐って待っていて下さい。きっと逢いに来ますから」 自分はただ待っていると答えた。すると、黒い眸(ひとみ)のなかに鮮(あざやか)に見えた自分の姿が、ぼうっと崩(くず)れて来た。静かな水が動いて写る影を乱したように、流れ出したと思ったら、女の眼がぱちりと閉じた。長い睫(まつげ)の間から涙が頬へ垂れた。――もう死んでいた。

I nod silently. She raises her silent voice a little and says "Please wait for me for 100 years. Please sit down by the side of my grave and wait for me for 100 years. I surely will come to see you.". I just answer I will wait for you. Then my figure in her deep black eyes waivers and its shape is almost lost. It is like that quiet water carries away a shadow on the water. At that time her eyes closed. Tears well up in her long lids and wet her cheek. I notice she is dead. 


I went down to a backyard and dug a hole with perlshell. It was a sharp shell with big and smooth edge. Everytime I scooped up the dirt, the perlshell glitted and reflected the moonlight. I smelled the damp soil. I could dig the hole soon. I put the woman in the hole and I spread the dirt over her. Everytime I spread the dirt, the perlshell reflected the moon light.  


And I brought a fragment of a star and scattered it on her grave. The fragments were round. I thought that they became round after they lost their edges during they were falling down from the sky. When I lifted her in my arms and put her in the hole, my breast and hands got warmer. 


I sit on a moss. I folded my arms and was staring at the round grave stone,thinking that I would wait for her for 100 years. Soon as she said sun rised in east. Sun was big and red. It set in west as she said. It set as it remained red. I counted 1st. 

しばらくするとまた唐紅(からくれない)の天道(てんとう)がのそりと上(のぼ)って来た。そうして黙って沈んでしまった。二つとまた勘定した。 自分はこう云う風に一つ二つと勘定して行くうちに、赤い日をいくつ見たか分らない。勘定しても、勘定しても、しつくせないほど赤い日が頭の上を通り越して行った。それでも百年がまだ来ない。しまいには、苔(こけ)の生(は)えた丸い石を眺めて、自分は女に欺(だま)されたのではなかろうかと思い出した。

Before long, red sun rised and set silently again. I counted 2nd.I had counted one by one like this. I couldn't remember how many sunrises I had counted. After I counted and counted, the red sun had repeated to pass over my head. But it didn't seem that the 100th year would come. At last I began to wonder if I was tricked by her,staring at the round stone with moss. 


At that time, a green stem was growing to me from under the stone diagonally. It grew soon and stopped near my breast. It opened its flower petal on its top of the swaying stem. White lily smelled to my nose ,piercing to my bones.


Then a drop of dew dropped on it from the sky and the lily swayed by its weight. I kissed the white lily with cold dew. When I left my face from the lily and I looked up at the sky, a star was brinking.I notice that 100th year has already come.


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